Happenings in paragraphs and bullets:

Life for us has been rather complicated and I’m still working on processing everything. The weekend brought a temperature spike and with no period yet… slight hope. I started to believe maybe I just implanted late but the next day, a severe drop was followed by the official start of CD-1 on Monday. I had a great deal invested emotionally in this last cycle and I felt strongly it was our time and therefore the withdrawal period has been painful.

However, something incredible happened and the generosity is unbelievable… A dear friend has offered to be a known donor. This is something we had talked about earlier but it seemed both sides just moved on and without words decided maybe it wasn’t the right decision. But then in a turn of events… we are having detailed conversations about how this would work, drafting contracts and making plans for the near future.

This is a totally new world and I feel like I’m just beginning to brim the surface. Of course my first step was to reach out to a fellow blogger, who’s had success with this process and plead for explicit instructions… Wow – did she deliver! I feel like we’re moving in the right direction now. We ordered ourselves the fancy “launcher” that she swears by and we have a nice collection of tools in route to help with our new endeavor.

So what’s in store for this month? I guess you could call it… a combination of sorts. My RE’s office wouldn’t release the vial we had left over from last month, so we decided to do a less invasive (1 insem) cycle with them. I’m still on bravelle but we’ve cut back on testing this month. I’m going stress free – or a close rendition of it. In addition we plan on adding a few at home insems to the mix… Before and after the office IUI.

Now for the bullets:

• 9/13 CD-1

• 9/14 Baseline Ultrasound

• 9/19 Ultrasound

• 9/23-9/28 presumed insems

• 9/24 Meeting with current doctor to discuss IVF and other options

• 9/25 U Of M IVF Orientation (Checking into other options)