Are you kidding me…

Only in 1% of first time pregnancies does mom get the PUPPS rash… Why is it I have to get everything? This rash is making me absolutely miserable. Not only is it all over my tummy and infringing on my legs but its now migrated to the bottom of my feet.

WTH – This is the worst thing imaginable. Ok I’m exaggerating but seriously it’s causing me to wish these babies would just come. Which is sad and I know irrelivent because these girls are totally in charge and after all we’ve dealt with, they deserve more time in there. But I’m starting to think I might make it to my “free from bedrest” induction / stitch removal. Which means I’ll be dealing with this pain for around 11 more days…

I honestly never thought anything would rival my 18 weeks of deathly morning sickness but I guess I was wrong. Feeling like you have an infinite number of bug bites over the worst sunburn imaginable – is well horrible. I know I will survive but maybe it could at least stop getting worse. I waddle enough as is!